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What Are Ants?


Ants are social insects that live in organized colonies and can range in numbers from tens of thousands into the millions. The ant is a remarkable and determined insect that is known for it's foraging and survival. No insect, other than the termite, works harder than the Ant.

Ants will consume any type of food product that is found in a structure and once they find it the invasion begins. A determined and hungry ant colony can travel a great distance to gain the food items they need.

Areas where water is found such as kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms are also likely to be infested because moisture is a key element for the survival of their colony.

How Are They Controlled?

Ants can be a difficult pest to control due to their large numbers and foraging habits. Eliminating the ants you see is not always effective because they are only a small part of the main colony and it may not even be within the boundaries of your property.

At Hopper's Pest Control our technicians know how to identify and eradicate your ant problems. Once the ant problem is under control we then maintain it through our regular service regiments. We perform this process in a safe and effective manner always placing the health of our customers at the forefront of any service we perform.

How Much Does It Cost?

Our years of experience and training have taught us that even the most difficult situations can be resolved at a fair cost.

When you contact our office we can give you a general cost of service and answer any questions you may have.


Common Texas Household Ants

Red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta


Fire ant

One of the most common ant species in eastern Texas and throughout the southeastern U.S. , fire ants can be identified by their reddish-brown coloration, double pedicel, and by the variability in size of the workers (1/16-3/16 inch). In addition, fire ants make conspicuous mounds with no visible entrance holes on the mound itself. One of the most characteristic behaviors of the fire ant, however, is its aggressive response to nest disturbance including a vigorous and painful sting.  Fire ants almost always nest outdoors, although they will enter buildings in search of food and water, especially in late summer.

Pharaoh Ants Monomorium pharaonis



Pharaoh ant. Photo by Forest & Kim Starr, U.S. Geological Survey,

These are tiny ants (1/32 inch-long) that frequently nest and live indoors. They are yellowish in color with a dark-tipped gaster. They have two pedicels and all workers are the same size. They make their nests in any dark, narrow space and may be found nesting in cardboard boxes, electrical boxes, in wall voids, etc.  Pharaoh ants are picky eaters, but alternatively feed on foods high in sugars and proteins.  Specially designed pharaoh ant baits are usually necessary for good control


Carpenter Ants,  Campanotus species

Carpenter ant swarmer

Carpenter ants are generally large (1/4-1/2 inch), and may be solid black, brown, or a combination of black and orange. Workers are variable in size, have a single pedicel, and a smooth, curved thorax in profile. Carpenter ants are mostly nocturnal, coming out at night to follow trails along fences, tree limbs, water hoses or other linear objects. They do not sting, but can bite. They nest in hollow trunks and branches of trees, but will also make their homes in hollow doors, boxes, and the walls and ceilings of buildings.


Odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile


Odorous house ants

Odorous house ant is a common ant that makes its nests outdoors under mulch, stones, and inside and under other objects. They are medium-sized, with a single pedicel that is hidden from above and difficult to see. They are smooth bodied with relatively few hairs, and produce a distinctive, licorice-like, smell when crushed. They are attracted to sweets.  Odorous house ants most commonly nest outdoors, but will also nest in bricks and wall voids and other interior locations.

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